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Case Studies, Water Saving Tips, Videos & Latest News

Fluidmaster are committed to providing resources, studies and information to our customers and users. Here you’ll find our latest case studies, research, news and water saving insights.

Fluidmaster is attending ISH 2025

We’re excited to announce that Fluidmaster will be attending...

Fluidmaster Sponsor the Waterwise #LeakyLooChallenge

We are proud to announce that we are headline...

Laura’s Wye Valley Trek for St Michael’s Hospice, Hereford

Laura Jenkins from our marketing team recently completed an...

Meet Ben Nolan, our New Senior R&D Engineer

With a focus on product innovation and business growth,...

How do I Find the Right Flush Plate for my Toilet?

As the trend for wall-hung WCs continues to accelerate,...

Help! My Ball Valve isn’t Working!

What is a Ball Valve? A ball valve, also...

Screwfix Live Success!

From 27-29th September we exhibited at the Screwfix Live...

Fundraising Bike Ride Supports Local Charity

A team of Fluidmaster colleagues lead by our Sales...

Rob Lemon is Appointed to our EMEA Sales Team

We are pleased to announce the recruitment of Rob...

Looking After Your Loo: Dos and Don’ts

The components in your cistern play a crucial role...

Looking for BIM Objects?

Fluidmaster has a large selection of BIM data available for frames, cisterns, valves and accessories.

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